多年前剛開始夾band,第一首令我開始接觸metallica既歌就係佢...fade to black 回想從前夾band..真的有不少回憶.... 不聽不厭的原因可能除左係每次拎出黎聽都會令你血脈沸騰之外....每次拎支吉他上手彈都有好多從前既感覺浮現 總之一聽便愛上。 呀....順帶一提....這歌的年紀原來跟我一樣大!!
Pet Groomer.Gabriel Chan, have been a petgroomer for six years,and have started pet grooming (home services) since 2006. I have been interviewed by the magazine"忽然一週"(Pet FACEBOOK column). She gives a very good comment on my services!! I am restarting the pet grooming (home services) and welcome you to make an appointment.